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Virtual & Online Movement and Fitness*

SHAPE Center RI® lists movement and fitness spaces that state they work from a size-inclusive, weight neutral, and/or body liberation framework for you to explore.  They are committed to providing size-affirmative spaces to move your body, train your body, and use your body.  Too access these space, please reach out to them for more information. 


joyn brings you body-inclusive, encouraging, and kick-ass movement classes. Oh, did we mention it's free? Cause it is. Like free, free.

Santosha  Yoga Studio

Santosha Yoga Studio believes in Health at Every Size.

Fat Kid Dance party

Fat Kid Dance Party Fat Kid Dance Party is an act of dance floor reclamation

Yoga with Mimi

As a long-time social justice activist and organizer, Mimi approaches her work with an anti-oppression and abolitionist lens. All classes are virtual with the exception of Saturday Morning.

Big Fit Girl

FITNESS FOR EVERYBODY Big Fit Girl by Louise Green is accessible, weight neutral, body positive and all-inclusive.

Decolonizing Fitness

Decolonizing Fitness as a practice is about providing a supportive environment to individuals who have historically not felt welcomed in fitness spaces i.e. BIack people, people in larger bodies, people with disabilities, people with chronic pain, people over the age of 65 and people who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.


Radically Fit Oakland Unique fitness classes for queer, trans, POC and bigger bodied folx.

Body Positive Fitness
Fat Girls Dance

This is a BODY POSITIVE + INCLUSIVE space! Anyone who identifies as FAT + GIRL/WOMAN is welcome!

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